Our Services

Business Consulting Services

With International Research Services (IRS), you gain an experienced team that brings a combination of IRS expertise, industry tenure, and project management to help you solve problems and improve your time-to-value. Outsource your monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting processes and allow us to manage report creation, production, and distribution. Capitalize on the vast amounts of content that IRS can offer when you rely on us to aggregate data around a theme of your interest and create a standardized workflow for your team.

CATI Services

Are you stuck trying to frame sensible questionnaire to interview your audience? Using IRS CATI services to cut corner is the best way. Our highly intuitive Computer-assisted or Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) improves the performance and quality of market research data collection by helping interviewers ask relevant and effective questions. Our CATI services help you with detailed analysis of many business facets. This service helps you understand the customer behavior, market behavior, and everything in between.

CAPI Services

Face-to-face for in-depth insight. We carry out in-store, exit and in-home interviews as well as hall tests. Our computer software checks and eliminates inconsistent responses and separates invalid data, helping clients save time in the processing of data and encouraging more accurate responses in the most cost-efficient way. Computer-aided interviews (CAPI) are one of the most effective face-to-face methods to gather data via a computer or tablet. Whatever the priorities in your research are, our approach will help you deliver the insight you need.

CAWI Services

Computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI) is a surveying method based on internet. Here the interviewer follows a script provided on a web site and the flow of the questions come a preprogrammed sequence. The questionnaire may contain video or audio clips, links, and pictures, and the answers come with options. Respondents need to opt their feedback just by clicking. And our trusted partnerships mean we can deliver quality sample in response to your national and international market research requirements.

Secondary Research Services

Secondary Research (also commonly known as ‘Desk Research’) is the review and collation of data that has already been collected. We conduct Secondary Market Research at the outset of a project in order to uncover useful leads and background knowledge, both of which provide invaluable orientation for our full service market research projects. Secondary Research provides extremely important insight, information, especially on sample frames (i.e. ‘who’ to interview), as well as key market information about products, services, and competitors.

Business Intelligence Services

Our Business intelligence (BI) services are offerings to design, develop and deploy enterprise processes and to integrate, support and manage the related technology applications and platforms. These include business and infrastructure applications for BI platforms, analytics needs and data warehousing infrastructure. We transform data into actionable insights that inform an organization’s strategic and tactical business decisions. We access and analyze data sets and present analytical findings to provide users with detailed intelligence.

Product Taste Tests Services

Concept testing needs to be done prior to or along with development efforts. Besides taste, the look, feel and packaging of foods and beverages can impact consumer choices. A Taste Test is where participants evaluate the taste of a product, either on its own or compared with other products. Bottling and canning, labeling, packaging can influence the perception of a product’s quality and appeal. We recommend to conduct Taste Tests blind. Our Taste Tests are usually conducted at a central location, although they can be carried out in participants' homes.

Scripting Services

Together we can design a tailor-made solution to match your needs. Our proprietary survey technology enables us to go beyond simple questionnaires. We can program online diary applications, gamified questions, branded designs, interactive forms, and more. Our highly skilled scripting and data teams will help you get the most out of your questionnaire. We understand your requirements and organise your questionnaires logically and attractively. This is for the benefit of the interviewers, the respondents, and the coders.

Market Research Projects we completed 2023 & 2024 (selection):

CATI - N=100 per country
CATI - N=100 per country

Interviews (project executed 2023) with CTOs and CIOs at the most Prestigious Fortune Companies

Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Hong Kong,, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Republic of Singapore, and many more countries

CATI - N=250 per country
CATI - N=250 per country

Interviews (Project executed 2024) with Pharmacists, Anesthesiologists, Nurses, and Purchasing Agents in Hospitals

China, France, Austria, Italy, USA, India, UK, Indonesia, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland

CATI & CAPI - N=5.000 per country
CATI & CAPI - N=5.000 per country

Interviews (Tracking Project executed 2011 - 2024 - continuously) with GenPop about changing Lifestyles

Bahrain, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen

CATI - N=100 per country
CATI - N=100 per country

Interviews (Tracking Project executed 2013 - 2024 - continuously) with Farmers who grow Corn and Soybean Crop

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Mexico, Paraguay, Ukraine, Uruguay, and USA


IRS is on it. They understand and deliver the right mindset. They delivered the results and what it is connected to the next level. I have seen it - the results speak for themselves.

Research Manager
Research Manager Fortune 100 IT Company

You guys are legendary! You guys are great and having amazing support & service. I couldn’t ask for any better. Thank you!

Tactical Advisor
Tactical Advisor Pharmaceutical Company

I must say their excellent work, swift delivery and commitment to discovering key consumer insights are truly remarkable. I will recommend them any day and anytime!

Infrastructure Manager
Infrastructure Manager Telecommunications Company
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