We are your 'One-Stop Shop' for Global CATI Services.
Global CATI Services:
For more than two decades, IRS has been utilizing CATI research techniques to inform our clients’ business decisions.
Our flexibility in CATI enables us to design research that is a perfect fit for your business objectives and provides layers of rich information to make informed business decisions.
Our team of highly experienced Market Consultants has developed a set of best practices for CATI services. Best practice areas include survey design, survey programming data collection, data delivery (ASCII, CSV, Excel, SPSS, etc.), data analysis, and reporting of sometimes very complicated data.
Sampling is the backbone of Quality CATI:
Without the right respondents, your results can be misleading. IRS places great emphasis on research sampling.
CATI Expertise:
Expertise and a proven track record of conducting global quantitative and qualitative research in the public/private sectors in both established and emerging markets.
We have years of experience across many different audiences and industry sectors, and can target the most appropriate respondents for your business needs.
We have spent years developing resources, partnerships and databases that provide access to the right individuals.
Our researchers are sampling-methodology experts; many come from fielding backgrounds, and all have extensive training in global sampling methods.
As a result of global research experience, we have respondent screening and data processing methods that assure the highest levels of data accuracy, data validity, and overall respondent quality.
IRS Statistics:
We are in a position to access 775 CATI stations and 2.005 CAPI tablets located worldwide.
IRS, which is part of the EPMRG Group (PDMRG), conducted N=189.461 telephone interviews (CATI) around the world in 2023.
Our statistics indicate that in 2023, we did averagely conduct 244 telephone interviews per CATI station.
CATI Market Research Projects we completed 2023 & 2024 (selection):
Customer Satisfaction interviews (Tracking Project executed 2009 – 2024 – continuously) with clients of the Top 10 Retail Banks (N=2.000 per country) in Austria, Canada, China, France, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, UK, and USA (methodology: CATI).
Interviews (Project executed 2023) with CTOs and CIOs at the most Prestigious Fortune Companies (N=100 per country) in Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Hong Kong,, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Republic of Singapore, Qatar, Russia, Spain, South Korea, Switzerland, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, UK, and USA (methodology: CATI and CAPI).
Interviews (Project executed 2024) with Pharmacists, Anesthesiologists, Nurses, and Purchasing Agents in Hospitals (N=250 per country) in China, France, Austria, Italy, USA, India, UK, Indonesia, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland (methodology: CATI).
Interviews (Tracking Project executed 2011 – 2024 – continuously) with GenPop about changing Lifestyles (N=5.000 per country) in Bahrain, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen (methodology: CATI and CAPI).
Interviews (Tracking Project executed 2019 – 2024 – continuously) with Hospital Based Chief Information Officers (N=50 per country) in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, and UK (methodology: CATI).
Our CATI Reach and Numbers:
Australia: N=7 permanent staff, +/- 700 field interviewers and N=60 CATI stations
Brazil: N=5 permanent staff, +/- 200 field interviewers and N=15 CATI stations
China: N=3 permanent staff, +/- 400 field interviewers and N=40 CATI stations
France: N=10 permanent staff, +/- 900 field interviewers and N=60 CATI stations
Germany: N=9 permanent staff, +/- 1.000 field interviewers and N=90 CATI stations
India: N=10 permanent staff, +/- 400 field interviewers and N=45 CATI stations
Italy: N=5 permanent staff, +/- 500 field interviewers and N=60 CATI stations
Japan: N=6 permanent staff, +/- 200 field interviewers and N=40 CATI stations
Mexico: N=10 permanent staff, +/- 500 field interviewers and N=90 CATI stations
South Africa: N=4 permanent staff, +/- 250 field interviewers and N=30 CATI stations
South Korea: N=7 permanent staff, +/- 800 field interviewers and N=30 CATI stations
Spain: N=20 permanent staff, +/- 1.200 field interviewers and N=75 CATI stations
Switzerland: N=7 permanent staff, +/- 280 field interviewers and N=30 CATI stations
UK: N=8 permanent staff, +/- 450 field interviewers and N=55 CATI stations
United Arab Emirates: N=2 permanent staff, +/- 200 field interviewers and N=25 CATI stations
USA: N=4 permanent staff, +/- 900 field interviewers and N=30 CATI stations
We are your ‘One-Stop Shop’ for Global CATI Services.